
When you hear or read that the market is up or down, what does that really mean? 通常, it reflects movement in the two best-known 股票市场 indexes, the 道琼斯工业平均指数 和 the S&P 500.


In fact, there are hundreds of indexes that track various categories of 投资s. While you cannot invest directly in an index, you can buy funds that track specific indexes, 和 you can look at indexes as a benchmark for certain portions of your portfolio. 例如,道琼斯指数或道琼斯指数&P 500 might be a reasonable benchmark for your domestic 股票 和 stock funds, but you should not expect your entire portfolio to match the performance of those indexes.

Here are some commonly cited indexes.

道琼斯工业平均指数 tracks 股票 of 30 large well-known U.S. companies across a variety of business sectors. Originally a true average of stock prices, it now uses a divisor to adjust for stock splits, 分布, 和 substitutions — making it a price-weighted index rather than a true average.1

不像道指, the following indexes are weighted based on market capitalization, the value of a stock’s outst和ing shares. Market-cap-weighted indexes are skewed toward the performance of the larger companies in the index.

S&P 500 tracks a much broader range of large U.S. companies (large caps) than the Dow 和 is often considered representative of the U.S. 股票市场总体情况. 然而, it does not capture mid-size companies (mid caps) or small companies (small caps), which generally carry higher risk 和 higher growth potential than large companies 和 are tracked by the S&中型股400S&小型股600分别. Together these three indexes comprise the S&P复合1500. S中的股票数量&P indexes may vary slightly from the number indicated in the name.2

纳斯达克综合指数 tracks all domestic 和 foreign 股票 traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market (about 3,400 in early 2024). It includes companies of all sizes across a range of industries but is heavily weighted toward technology companies. Many Nasdaq 股票 carry higher growth potential but greater risk than the large domestic 股票 tracked by the Dow 和 the S&P 500. 的 纳斯达克- 100 tracks the largest non-financial companies traded on the Nasdaq.3

罗素3000指数 tracks 股票 of the 3,000 largest U.S. companies, ranked by market capitalization. 的 罗素1000指数 tracks about 1,000 of the largest, essentially a combination of large caps 和 mid caps. 的 罗素2000指数 tracks the rest 和 is the most widely used benchmark for U.S. 小型股.4


Annual index performance (price only), 2019 to 2023

Annual index performance (price only). Djia 2019 22.34%, 2020 7.25%, 2021 18.73% 2022 - 8.78%, 2023 13.70%; S&P 500 2019 28.88%, 2020 16.26%, 2021 26.89% 2022 - 19.44%, 2023 24.23%; NASDAQ 2019 35.23%, 2020 43.64%, 2021 21.39% 2022 - 33.10%, 2023 43.42%; Russell 2000 2019 23.72%, 2020 18.36%, 2021 13.70% 2022 - 21.56%, 2023 15.09%; MSCI EAFE 2019 22.66%, 2020 8.28%, 2021 11.78% 2022 - 14.01%, 2023 18.85%

Source: London Stock Exchange Group, 2024, for the period 12/31/2018 to 12/31/2023. 道琼斯工业平均指数 (DJIA) Price Index, S&标准普尔500综合价格指数, 纳斯达克综合指数(价格), 罗素2000价格指数, MSCI EAFE价格指数. 的 performance of an unmanaged index is not indicative of the performance of any specific security. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 实际结果会有所不同.

英国《皇冠博彩》威尔希尔5000指数 tracks the performance of all U.S. 股票 with readily available price data, making it the broadest measure of the U.S. 股票市场. 成立于1974年, 该指数包含约4,700只股票, 并增长到超过7个,500 in 1998. 的 number has dropped since then, largely due to corporate consolidation, 该指数包括大约3个,2024年初400只股票.5

MSCI EAFE指数 tracks about 800 large- 和 mid-cap 股票 in 21 developed countries outside the United States 和 Canada 和 is a widely accepted benchmark for foreign 股票. 的 摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数 includes the same 21 countries plus the United States 和 Canada 和 is heavily weighted toward U.S. 股票.6

所有投资都有风险, including the possible loss of principal, 和 there is no guarantee that any 投资 strategy will be successful. Investing internationally carries additional risks such as differences in financial reporting 和 currency exchange risk, as well as economic 和 political risk unique to the specific country. This may result in greater share price volatility.

基金按招股说明书出售. Please consider the 投资 objectives, risks, charges, 和 expenses carefully before investing. 招股说明书, which contains this 和 other information about the 投资 company, can be obtained from your financial professional. Be sure to read the prospectus carefully before deciding whether to invest.